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No, During cloudy we cannot get solar power

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Q: Is solar power available any time?
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Are there any solar power charged electric wheelchairs, available in market?

There are currently no solar powered wheel chairs. There are some batteries that are rechargable by solar power.

How does a solar power car move at night time?

With energy charged into batteries during day time, or then with other means, motor. Solar power is not enough to power a car by it's own anyway.

Any energy source that is available all the time?

Solar energy

Are there any heat pumps that work with solar power?

Yes, there are many heat pumps available that work with solar power systems already in place. You can also purchase solar heat pumps that work on their own with no additional equipment required.

How does a solar panel installer benefit from unused electricity?

The solar panels are linked into the electricity meter for the property. Any 'unused' solar power that's generated is fed into the National Grid - the power company supplying the property then pays the customer for any power generated. This means that, over time, the initial cost of the solar array installation is recovered in full !

Is there any solar cell phone charging readily available?

Yes, there are very many solar cell phone that are readily available.

What are the advantages of having a solar power generator?

The advantages of solar power generator are just too many and the foremost is it enables to produce solar power which is an inexhaustable source of power supply. The solar power generator stores the solar energy produced throughs olar panels to be used any time, during day or night even during cloudy days. Youdo not have to depend on fossil fuel which is costlier and diminishing everyday.

Is solar power any better than normal power?

Solar power has advantages. One advantage of solar power is that solar power can be consistently used for power. Solar energy will never run out. Another advantage of solar power is that the energy is clean. Typical solar panels live for about ten years. Energy payback from a typical installation is about 40 years. As a result, most panels will never give back as much power as they took to build.

Why are solar panels suggested?

to generate electricity from solar power which is much more greener solution than any other.Solar power can be used to heat water which will decrease the use of non renewable fuels and reduce global warming. Solar panels are one time investment for which you get electricity for lifetime and that too is free. There are some disadvantages that it won't charge your power storage batteries without sun so it might be problematic on cloudy days . Even after that you can shift to solar panels as an alternate source and run equipments on it when it is available to save on your electricity bills.

Are there any outdoor lights available that charge during the day through a solar panel and use the energy to illuminate at night?

There are some outdoor lights, but you'll have to hook them up to solar power through by contacting a specialty panel supplier.

Where can I find solar generators?

Get instant electrical power in any outage or disaster with the aid of best solar power generator and solar panel kits at or find them at Home Depot.

Can I run a 3000 square foot house on one solar power gennerator?

It would be very expensive to run any house on solar power, but an integrated system is required. First you'd have to have the home be extremely efficient to limit the amount of power needed. Then you'd need a lot of solar panels to provide an excess of power and a lot of batteries to store the power for when the sun wasn't available. In other words that is possible, but right now it's really not practicable.