A shirt that would look good with green would be either red or blue
if u were asking me, i would say yes.
No, green plus blue is bluish green (or possibly greenish blue).
They would look blue; the green wouldn't show because the blue goes in very deep and the green would be unnoticeable.
No, the Earth is brown, the sea is blue, and the grass is green which makes it look blue and green. thank you and have a fun day :}
Pink. Red. Blue. Green. Purple. Not necessarily in that order.
Purple white green blue
Round and blue and green
It's teal, or aquamarine. And it looks like blue and green swirled together. :)
Some color charts have more colors then others, but you can always remember R.O.Y G. B.I.V. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. Here are the colors in a color wheel: Yellow, orange-yellow, orange, red-orange, red, violet-red, violet, blue-violet, blue, blue-green, green, yellow green. Other color wheels look like this: Hope it helped! Probably too much info but . . .
Louis has sea green eyes, which sometimes appears to have a hint of blue.