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At least two.

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Q: How many paths can a current take in a parallel circuit?
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How many electric paths do you have in a series circuit?

Depending on what type of circuit your talking about.If the circuit is in parallel,series/parallel,then your talking as many loads that there are on the circuit.However if your dealing with the basic series,then there are the going out and coming back in. so two.and that's not including the ground path. ANSWER :Only one path and there is from a positive to a less positive potential

Current in a parallel circuit?

In any parallel connection The original current gets divided into the parallel branches, however the division is solely based upon the resistances of the parallel paths. Current always tries to flow through the branch having the least resistance. Thus More current will flow in the branch having less resistance and vice-versa. The currents flowing in the parallel branches can be found out by using the current divider rule. Suppose if R1 & R2 are two branches of a parallel connection & i1 & i2 is the current flowing through them respectively. Let 'I' be the original current then the current through R1 can be given as i1=R1/(R1+R2) * I similarly current through R2 can also be calculated.

What si th difference between a series and parallel circuit?

The primary difference between a series and a parallel circuit is how many pathways the current has to travel in. Let's look at both of them and see what's up. In a simple series circuit, there is only one path for current. The current must flow through every component in the circuit.

How many parallel paths in a wave winding of a 4 pole dc motor?


What remains constant in series circuit?

A: No matter how many resistor of different value are inserted the current will remain the same for each. The voltage drop will vary with the difference in resistors and i a parallel path is found along the way the current will divide according to the resistors values

Related questions

In a parallel circuit how many paths are in the current?

By definition, more than one.

How many paths in a Parallel circuit?

a parallel circuit can have 2 or more paths for electricity to flow through

How many paths can electricity flow through a parallel circuit?

As many paths as there are branches in the circuit

How many paths does an electric current takes place in a Parallel Connection?

The current splits up and takes as many paths as there are available. Every path that exists conducts current. There's no such thing as a parallel branch of a circuit that has no current through it when others do have current through them..

How many paths are there in a parallel circuit?

At least two paths. Current will divide between them according to their relative impedances.

Why does electrical current flow along a single path in a series circuit and more than one path in a parallel circuit?

Because there is only a single path in series circuit and many paths in parallel circuit.

How many paths does a parallel circuit have?

a parallel circuit has 2 or more paths.a series circuit has 1 path.a parallel circuit is better for homes and school

How many paths do electrons have to follow?

In a series circuit all the components are connected in series, which means that the same current has to flow through all of them. In a parallel circuit with all the components in parallel, the same voltage is across each of them. Some circuits can be a mixture of series and parallel.

How many paths are there for current flow in series or parallel?

Series has one path. Parallel two or more paths.

How many paths can currents take in seres and parallel circuits?

If the circuit is a pure series circuit there is ONLY ONE PATH that current can follow.

How many paths can the current in circuit B?

That really depends on how the circuit is designed.

How many electrical paths are in a parallel circut?

By definition, more than one. If a circuit has just one path, it is a series circuit, not parallel.