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Solid state devices.

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Q: Semiconductors are also called
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Why are metalloids semiconductors?

Metalloids when used is electronics are called semiconductors.

A substance that will conduct electricity only under certain condition is called what?

semiconductors! SEMICONDUCTORS it will do it in some condition

What is used in semiconductors?

Silicon based semiconductors are the most commonly used semiconductor material in calculators. Silicon semiconductors are also extensively used in computers.

The elements in the Periodic Table which are semiconductors are called?


What are the properties of metaloids?

They are half metal and half nonmetal. some examples areBoronSiliconGermaniumArsenicAntimonyTelluriumPoloniumI belive that metaloids are also called semiconductors. ENJOY!

What are the man-made impurites in semi-conductors called?

doping of semiconductors

Materials that are sometimes classified as insulators and sometimes as conductors are called?


How does the number of valence electrons in atoms of metalloids explain why metalloids are semiconductors?

Metalloids when used is electronics are called semiconductors.

What is doping in semiconductors?

semiconductors will be having some charged particles but for practical purpose the free charges should be available in abundant quantity. so in order to increase the charge particles number we add some impurity to these semiconductors . this process is called doping

Application of semiconductors?

Application of semiconductors

Why the compound semiconductors are not suitable for making transistors and ICs?

Compound semiconductors have very low lifetime of charge carriers and hence they are not used for making Transistors and ICs.Rather it is used for making LEDs and LASER diodes.So the compound semiconductors are called photo-diodes. -M.R

What semiconductor is used in calculators?

Silicon based semiconductors are the most commonly used semiconductor material in calculators. Silicon semiconductors are also extensively used in computers.