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Wattmeter is an intrument which is used to measure the power consumption of an Electric circuit or an appliance which is connected to the supply in terms of Watts.

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What kind of meter uses its own battery?

A. ohmmeter B. voltmeter C. ammeter D. wattmeter

What are advantages of electronic wattmeter?

The advantages of wattmeter include adequate for low frequencies, easy to operate and better technology. There are different types of wattmeter and each has specific advantages.

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Is there any difference in values between the two wattmeter method and three wattmeter method if you apply these two methods in same load?

Blondel's Theorem states that you can have one less wattmeter than there are conductors supplying a balanced or unbalanced load. In either case, the sum of the wattmeter readings will give you the total power of the load.

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Write down the advantage of 2-wattmeter method instead of 3-wattmeter method for measuring ac power?

It's cheaper.

Why you use low power factor wattmeter on primary and unity power factor on secondary side of transformer?

There is no such thing as a 'low power-factor' wattmeter. A wattmeter always reads true power, regardless of the load's power factor.

Can reactive power measure by 2 wattmeter method?

Active volts amperes are measured by 2 wattmeter methods. A wattmeter will measure active power and not reactive power. Electrical engineering is a promising career for anyone who likes to generate power.

How energymeter is used instead of wattmeter?

An energy meter measures power and time; a wattmeter measures an instantaneous value of power. Energy = Watt/seconds.