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in a CRO ,fast moving electrons coming from cathode tube strikes the screen .This is seen as a single dot,but for viewing a waveform it is required that the electrons should move both horizontally as well as vertically. For that purpose a horizontal deflection plate is provided in the cro. This deflection plate is supplied with voltages , so that the electrons passing through these plates get deflected horizontally.due to alternating voltages these electrons deflect right & left very quickly, that we humans fell it is a straight horizontal line due our perception. THE voltages is provided by sweep generator,which produce ramp voltages WHICH IS AMPLIFIED & PROVIDED TO HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION PLATES in a CRO ,fast moving electrons coming from cathode tube strikes the screen .This is seen as a single dot,but for viewing a waveform it is required that the electrons should move both horizontally as well as vertically. For that purpose a horizontal deflection plate is provided in the cro. This deflection plate is supplied with voltages , so that the electrons passing through these plates get deflected horizontally.due to alternating voltages these electrons deflect right & left very quickly, that we humans fell it is a straight horizontal line due our perception. THE voltages is provided by sweep generator,which produce ramp voltages WHICH IS AMPLIFIED & PROVIDED TO HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION PLATES

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Q: What is horizontal deflection system in CRO?
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Why time base circuit is used in a CRO?

It is used as the horizontal deflection voltage of the CRT.

What is horizontal deflection?

The term horizontal deflection refers to how much something deviates from the horizontal line.

What are the main parts of CRO?

1. Electron Gun 2. Focusing system 3. Deflection system 4. Fluorescent screen

What is magnetic deflection sensitivity of CRO?

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Why electromagnetic deflection is used in tv-crt rather than electrostatic as in cro?

Electromagnetic deflection is used because it can create greater deflection angles of the electron beam compared to electrostatic deflection.

Working of vertical deflection plates in CRO?

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What is the unit of deflection sensitivity of cro?

The unit of deflection sensitivity of a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is volts per division on the vertical axis of the screen. It represents how much voltage change is needed to move the electron beam by one division vertically on the screen.

Is horizontal deflection plate present in LCD?

no, its unnecessary.

What is called the winding around the CRT yoke that deflects the electron beam with its magnetic field?

It's called a deflection coil. If a c.r.t. uses magnetic deflection, there will be two deflection coils, a horizontal one and a vertical one.

Block diagram of CRO?

block diagram of CRO means pictorial reprasantation of collaction of all parts of CRO ie.vertical amplifier, delay line,trigger circuit, time base genarator,horizontal amplifier ,electron gun&scree

How does the anode voltage applied to the cathode ray oscilloscope affects the sensitivity of the CRO?

The anode voltage does not affect the sensitivity of a CRO. The input amplifier and deflection circuit have a greater influence. The Anode voltage will affect the focus and visibility of the trace, in this respect it will affect how you see the result.

What causes just a thin flat line and nothing else to appear on your tv screen?

The vertical deflection system is broken. The vertical deflection system is broken.