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Ohm's Law: Resistance in ohms is voltage in volts divided by current in amperes.

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Q: What is the equation of resistance?
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What is the universal equation for resistance in a parallel circuit?

Total equivalent resistance = reciprocal of (sum of reciprocals of each individual resistance)

What the equation of resistance?

Ohm's Law: Resistance in ohms is voltage in volts divided by current in amperes.

What is the equation for the length and resistance of a wire?

R = (density)(Length)/(Area) Unit of resistance is Ohms.

What is the cause of resistance and how the resistance and how the resistance of a wire can be determined?

Electrical resistance can be determined by the equation that defines resistance - Ohm's Law. Just divide the voltage across a resistor, by the current passing through it.

How do you find the ac resistance of a diode?

The ac resistance of a diode is found using the equation: (The change in Vd)/(The change in Id) An easier was is to use the Equation: 26mV / Id. This is a general form as the ac resistance of a diode change as the temperature changes.

How many amps does a circuit with 110 volts and a resistance of 7ohms have?

The equation that you are looking for is I = E/R. Amps = Volts/Resistance.

What is the equation for temperature coefficient of resistance?

R= R0 * [1 + rho( t2-t1 ) ] so from this equation , rho= R-R0/[R0(t2-t1)] where rho- coefficient of resisivity R-resistance at any time t R0- resistance at 00C t2-final temperature t1-initial temperature

Is current the voltage multiplied by resistance?

No. V =Voltage, I =current, and R =resistancein the simple equation: V=I*R. As well, V/I=R, and. V/R=Iso Current is voltage divided by resistance

What is the amperage in an electric circuit when the voltage 120 volts and the resistance is 40 ohms?

Ohm's Law states Voltage = Current x Resistance. You rewrite the equation as Current = Volts / Resistance to solve for current.

How do you calculate resistance box for slip ring motor?

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Two resistors of 400 Ohm and 600 Ohm are in parallel What is the equivalent resistance?

Use the general equation for resistance in parallel: 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2

Do you divide or multiply when solvng for the resistance?

Ohms law states I = V/R I = current V = volts R = resistance To solve for R, divide both sides of the equation by V I/V = 1/R Take the reciprical of both sides of the equation. V/I = R