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Life would be better because there would not be to many crimes because people would not see violence things also people/kids would not be that fat because they would not want junk food that they see in the television ads.Family`s would also have more time together and kids would have time to study and read.


A moot point about crime and diet. You do not have to be influenced deleteriously by the television at all. Crime was as common in 1912 as it is in 2012, albeit with some differences in offences.

More time to do other things> If you've the time to watch TV you have the time for hobbies - don't blame the TV for taking up your leisure time, for your viewing is entirely your own choice.

And my choice? Not to have a telly at all! And I can tell you life without it is sweet - and in the UK about £130 a year better-off! (Licence fee, which is the BBC subscription - and that's before you start adding extra subscription services like Sky.)

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11y ago

I could definitely do without a telephone, but not my 42" Samsung plasma. I will never go back to SD hockey games.


These are two very different questions.

Without telephones - slower communications, with consequent advantages as well as disadvantages.

Without TV - well, one less cultural choice but as one who does not own a television I can say you do not need it. There is far more available to do in life than gawp at a picture on a TV screen - or play games on it!

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13y ago

this is a very subjective question. some believe it would be better, others worse. there can be arguments both for and against television. television was a means to Mass Communication which is why it has gotten as big as it is. on the other hand, some will argue that television is a means to disseminate false information and is what some to believe one of the leading causes of obesity.

again, subjective.

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11y ago

Before TV or the phone, communication was by postal delivery or by messenger. It could take months for current events in one part of the world to reach another. People entertained themselves. Before electricity, they lived and worked sunup to sundown.

Life without TV --

Before TV there was radio - there was a full schedule of radio broadcasts on several networks as well as local shows. Families would sit around the radio and listen in the evenings housewives would listen to the Soap Operas during the days and there kid's shows in the late afternoons.

Before there was radio, people in towns would sit on their porches or walk around the neighborhood and talk to each other to amuse themselves. There were community gatherings and churches provided much of the social life. Political rallies took the place of TV ads-- candidates made public speeches. There were religious tent meetings that attracted large crowds.

Life without telephone.

Before the telephone, there was the telegraph. Before the telegraph, there was no rapid long distance communication. Messages had to be carried in person. Everything had to be written out. If you wanted to talk to your friend you either had to send him a letter or go to see him. The postal service was very important


I can't speak for other countries but in the UK radio services are very much alive and well, with very varied programmes spanning an enormous range of topics, interests and tastes.

Further some of the BBC's radio-channel output is transmitted via the internet with a week-long retention, gathering listeners around the world. The BBC is also an active member of an exchange scheme called the European Broadcasting Union, which shares live concerts internationally; and is a major promoter of new music and upcoming musicians from around the world.

An EBU arrangement allows the BBC to broadcast in Britain, an annual season of Saturday matinee operas live from New York's Metropolitan Opera House: the shows arrive here in our early evening.

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8y ago

If there was no television we'd have no entertainment!

and life will be boring but we still have the computers which i am addicted to so bye and

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14y ago

people would be much smatter and would not be doing too many crimes because they wont be watching vilent tings on tv and they would be reading more books and studying

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13y ago


Absolutly Boring, Stupid, idiotic, uncontrolable and unbearable.

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11y ago

if we didn't have at.v we wouldn't have any imagination

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What will happen with no electricity?

At some point in your life you must have lived through a power failure. Without electricity this is what your life would be like year after year. Very inconvenient.

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hydropower is use to generate electricity' if once electricity is generated i mixes with power grid. hydroelectric power impacted on daily life is computer,street lights,tv

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Just try to live without mobile phone, TV, Computer, and other electronic devices. You can feel the importance.Electronic devices are very common, and we can now say that the world is circulated by electronics.Where there is a lazyness, there must be the birth of electronics.Humans needs rest always. That's why they were moved to electronic devices.But its the technology revolution too. Nobody can enjoy the life in this generation without Electronic devices.

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Modern life as we know it would not be possible without magnetic energy. It is used to generate and distribute electrical power for our homes and factories (generators and transformers). It is used to perform work (motors). It is used in telecommunications (telephones, televisions). The computer you typed your question on could not function without it (switching power supply). It is used to diagnose medical problems (MRI). The ignition system in most cars uses magnetics to provide the spark to run the engine. There are literally hundreds of uses of magnetic energy, these are just a few! Earth's magnetic field allows us to navigate by compass, but more importantly protects us by deflecting harmful radiation. Oh, and how could we live without those handy little refrigerator magnets that we use to stick notes to the fridge?

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