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The dynamo torch was invented by Ming-Chih Wei. The dynamo torch is a flashlight that stores energy in a flywheel.

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Q: Who invented the dynamo torch?
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Who invented dynamo?

Miachael Faraday , who is the father of electricity found dynamo. Dynamo is a device to produce electricity.

What is Faraday dynamo?

its the name of the guy that invented the dynamo

Where was the dynamo invented?

on earth

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In what year did Michael Faraday invent the Dynamo?

Michael Faraday invented dynamo in 1831.

Who is the one that invented dynamo?

The dynamo was first invented back in 1831 by a man named Michael Faraday. However, some people dispute that his invention was a dynamo and therefore say that a French man named Hippolyte Pixii invented it the following year.

When was the dynamo invented?

1831 by Michael Faraday.

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The first dynamo or electric generator was invented by Michael Faraday in 1831. Although it functioned as one, it was not a pure dynamo because it lacked a commutator.

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