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its due to truncation on the transmission of voltage with an electric current. The copper wiring has a high capacity due to years of fecal devolging.

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Q: Why are voltages for registering a bit of 1 on Ethernet so low when transmitting electricity on copper wire is high?
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Can electricity tickle?

Yes, at low voltages.

What are grounding mats used for?

Grounding mats are used when working on electronic components to drain off static electricity. Static electricity develops high voltages (the spark that jumps from your hand to a doorknob in winter is static electricity) and these voltages can damage sensitive electronics.

Where does electricity work efficiently?

A transformer is one place where electricity is very efficient in changing AC voltages from one level to another.

Does electricity help your body to work?

Yes, electricity does help your body to work! Your brain sends and receives electric messages to and from all the parts of your body. That is what makes you move, talk, run... you name it! But the voltages are not very high! High voltages can kill you!

How much voltz is current electricity?

Voltages used vary from 1.5 v to 750,000 volts.

How far can electricity travel through air at different voltages?

20KV can throw a spark about a centimeter long in dry air. the distance at other voltages is directly proportional to the voltage. you should be able to calculate the distances for other voltages yourself from this info.

What are the answers for transmissions an distributions of electricity?

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Why do some electrolytes give better voltages than others?

because they re-act better to electricity

Why is energy lost while transmitting low voltages over a transmission line?

Because there is resistance in the line. Pushing a current through a resistance generates heat, which is wasted energy.

How many volts of electricity are used by an average person a day?

In North America we use 120/240 voltages for residences. 120/208 is used in smaller businesses and 240,277,347,480,600 voltages are used in industries. Directly and indirectly people use these voltages every day.

Can electricity be a stronger than the force of gravity?

No, an electro magnet can be much more forceful than gravity.

Why can't lightning be used to provide electricity for homes?

DC (dirrect current) electricity is not used in homes, because different appliances (lamps, TVs, etc.) use different voltages. By using AC electricity, each appliance can take the voltage it needs. If we used DC, some smaller appliances would constantly burn out, because the voltages are far too high.