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If the Cretaceous mass extinction had not occurred, reptiles would today be the largest land animal in the world. At the time, reptiles were the largest animal group on Earth.

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Q: If the Cretaceous mass extinction had not occurred which group of animals would today probably include the largest land animals?
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What is the dying out of many types of animals at once called?

A mass extinction or extinction event. For instance the death of the dinosaurs is the Cretaceous-Tertiary event (or K-T event for short).

What are the extinction of animals in the very distant past?

There were five major extinction events in the past. They are called the Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T) extinction event, the late Devonian mass extinction, the Permian mass extinction, the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction and the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction event.

What period did the dinosaurs become extinct?

Around the end of the Cretaceous Period.Dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Mesozoic Era 65 million years ago. Their extinction also marked the beginning of the Cenozoic Era.Dinosaurs disappeared near the end of the cretaceous period.Most people believe it was at the end of the Cretaceous however the truth is that it ended in the Tertiary PERIOD not era so be careful that was why the event was called the K-T event because c had been taken in a mass extinction in the oceans.All non avian dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era (251 - 65Ma). The mass extinction 65 million years ago of all non avian dinosaurs along with many other types of animals and plants marks the boundary between the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic Eras.

What has occurred when a large number of species die out over short period of time?

That is usually referred to as a Mass Extinction, and what has happened is some very major event has occurred that cuts off the animals' ability to either eat, produce offspring, or otherwise survive, without a chance of migration to better locations.

What was the dominant animals in the Cretaceous?


Which large animals were wiped out by the Cretaceous extinction?

Non-Bird Dinosaurs, Flying Non-Bird Dinosaurs lke ptheridactlye, Sea-Reptiles like Mosasaur and Aminotes those are the Animals who went Extinct in the K/T Mass Extiction

Are all animals threatened by extinction?

No, many types of animals are facing extinction.

Animals during cretaceous period?

Some animals during the cretaceous period were tapejara, microraptor, and velociraptor. There was also triceratops, styracosaurus, and the tyrannosaurus rex.

In your opinion what is the cause of extinction of animals?

The extinction of animals is caused by humans killing animals. Extinction of animals may also be caused by pollution or forest fires that are killing off the plants and trees.

Why certain animals or plants are facing the threat of extinction?

Animals that are facing extinction are cheeters and whale

What evidence suggests that a mass extinction of the dinosaurs occurred at the end of the cretaceous?

The Cretaceous period ended as the result of a mass extinction event, probably resulting from an asteroid impact. This wiped out 65 percent of life on earth, including the ammonites, the plesiosaurs, the pterosaurs, and, most famously, the dinosaurs.

What is cretaceous period?

The Cretaceous Period was the 3rd geological period in the Mesozoic Era. The end of the period would see the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs as well as all the large marine reptiles, pterosaurs as well many other species of animals and plants. It lasted from 145.5 to 65.5 million years ago. It was the time between 2 extinction events, the smaller End Triassic Extinction event and the larger K-T Exinction event.