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Storage classes are used to indicate duration and scope of a variable or identifier. Duration indicates the life span of a variable. Scope indicates the visibility of the variable. The static storage class is used to declare an identifier that is a local variable either to a function or a file and that exists and retains its value after control passes from where it was declared. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. A variable declared of this class retains its value from one call of the function to the next. The scope is local. A variable is known only by the function it is declared within or if declared globally in a file, it is known or seen only by the functions within that file. This storage class guarantees that declaration of the variable also initializes the variable to zero or all bits off. The extern storage class is used to declare a global variable that will be known to the functions in a file and capable of being known to all functions in a program. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. Any variable of this class retains its value until changed by another assignment. The scope is global. A variable can be known or seen by all functions within a program.

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18y ago
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15y ago

no they cant ... static says ... hey my var is within file scope. extern says .. var is defined some where else .... static var definition cant be seen by other file via their translation tables.... SO extern with static is an erroneous combination

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15y ago

extern variables are defined in different than the file where the main() is. extern variables can be accessed from other files. Static global variables are visible only within the file.

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13y ago

global means: defined here, available from everywhere

external means: defined elsewhere

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extern specifies that the variable is in another file.say you have a variable(int k = 10) in mycpp1.cpp and you want to use it in mycpp2.cpp use the extern to redeclare the variable and use it.Example:Code://mycpp1.cppint k = 10;Code://mycpp2.cppextern int k;void function(void){cout

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"extern" is short of "external" which means outside.

How do you write a program to illustrate the concept of extern variable?

In order to use extern you have to have at least two files. In first one, let's call it file1.cpp, you will define a variable using extern (in this case belongs to int):...extern int myVar = 0;...Then in file2.cpp file where you have main() you need to write following:extern int myVar;Do not initialize the variable in file2.cpp, or you code will not compile.