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If it is leaking when you use the shower, not shutting off completely, it will need to be replaced. If it is leaking at the wall, take it off and reseal the thread on the pipe with either pipe dope or Teflon tape and reinstall.

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Q: How do you fix a leaking tub spout?
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How do you fix a leaking Delex tub and shower Fixture?

get a plumber :L

How do you fix a leaking tub?

You have to say WHERE it is leaking from for someone to answer it.

Why does the bathtub faucet run while showering?

If it is coming from the tub spout then the gasket is moving around or esle it is shot. The easiest way to fix this is to get a new tub spout. It will more than likely take more time to attempt to change the gasket on the spout then to install a new one.

Why does bathtub spout make a tea kettle whistle when shower diverter is pulled up?

Your tub spout isn't fully diverting the water to the shower head and a very small amount is leaking through. The smaller the hole the water has to exit, the greater the pressure. Replace the tub spout, usually costs less than 20 dollars.

How high from tub to spout and mixing valve handle should you do rough ins?

I usually fit spout 6-8 inches above tub.

Coolant leaking from spout on firewall on a 1995 cavalier?

You probably have a bad heater core. The heater core is installed in a plastic casing and the spout is there in case it starts leaking. This keeps it from leaking into the floor of the car.

Why is water leaking on the downstairs ceiling when the H or C faucets on the upstairs tub are turned on if it is not leaking through the drain or tub?

If the tub has a shower as well, the pipe from the faucet to the shower head could be leaking. You might also check the tube that comes OUT and fills the tub. It could be leaking back at the valve when you turn on the water.

How do you replace a tub spout?

The spout is not leaking, the O ring on one of the valves are. Turn your water supply off and take the valves off and replace the O rings

Can you change from tub spout diverter to diverter on the control?

NO - you would have to change valve out

What can be the cause for your downstairs neighbor's bathroom ceiling leak and could it be your fault from your tub but there is no actual leak in your apartment anywhere and it's an old building?

For the ceiling to be damaged there is a leak! As to who's fault it is that is the question. It is determined by who is responsible in your apartment for the upkeep of what is leaking. Some of the causes could be a leaking tile wall or tub surround, water leaking where the valve or spout protrudes through the wall, a drain leaking, the shower valve or piping leaking, water spilling over the edge of the tub on the floor or even a roof or window leaking. I would recommend hiring a plumber to investigate and repair any leak that is occurring as most of the time it would be your responsibility for repair. A leak is not going to get any better on its own and water damage costs can be significant.

How do you determine where water is leaking through from the second floor showertub to the kitchen below?

You need to do a leak test on the tub and shower. To ch'k the drain fill tub about 1/2 full without running the tub faucet next plug shower head and tub spout turn water on this will ch'k faucet Next run water on shower doors this is where the majority of leaks are found water running out and down the corner of the unit If tiled also ch'k tile grout.

Why has water pressure dropped at shower head if you haven't replaced the shower head recently and you don't have a problem with calcium deposits?

Is more water comming out your tub spout? if so change spout