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/**recursive function to find square root of a double to a precision of

maxDepth = 10 decimal places

returns -1.0 when given a negative number*/

#define maxDepth 10

/*firstly find the rational part*/

double getSqrt(double numIn){

/*cant take the square root of a negitive,

and a square root should not be negative

so return -1*/

int candidate = 0;

if (numIn <0)

return -1.0;

/*try every integer until you get one whose square is higher than

the number required, and this clearly one more than the

integer part of your square root*/


if (candidate *candidate *1.0 numIn)

return testVal;

if (testVal * testVal >numIn)

/*most square roots are irrational, and theirfore a maximum number of recursions

must be set, otherwise infinite recursion will occur*/

if (myDepth <maxDepth)

return getIrrational(numIn, testVal-1/10^myDepth, myDepth +1);


return testVal-1/10^myDepth;


//this can probably be improved on in terms of conciseness, but the logic is the only //way to find a sqrt without going into calculous

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10y ago

Use a template function to calculate the square of any value, then sum the squares. The following example demonstrates how to sum the squares of integers 3 and 5.


template <class T>

T sq(T& value)


return( value*value );


int main()


#using namespace std;

int x=3, y=5;

cout<<"The sum of "<<x<<" squared plus "<<y<<" squared is "




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9y ago


template<typename T>

struct foo


T data;

foo (const T num): data (num) {}

T square() const { return data * data; }

T cube() const { return data * square(); }


int main()


foo<int> a {3};

foo<double> b {3.14};

std::cout << << " squared = " << a.square() << " and cubed = " << a.cube() << std::endl;

std::cout << << " squared = " << b.square() << " and cubed = " << b.cube() << std::endl;


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14y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()


int x;

cout << "Enter a number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << "The squareroot of " << x << " is " << sqrt(x) << endl;

char wait;

cin >> wait;

return 0;


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10y ago

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()


double a;

double b;

double c;

cout << "Enter number for a: ";

cin >> a;

cout << "Enter number for b: ";

cin >> b;

cout << "Enter number for c: ";

cin >> c;

if (a 0)


cerr << "0 is an invalid input" << endl;




double root_1 = (-b + sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);

double root_2 = (-b - sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);

cout << "Root 1: " << root_1 << endl;

cout << "Root 2: " << root_2 << endl << endl;


return 0;


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13y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()


int num = 0;

cout << "Enter a number: ";

cin >> num;

if(num % 2 != 0)


cout << "Number is odd and the squareroot is: " << sqrt(num);


return 0;


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10y ago




int main()


using std::string;

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

using std::sqrt;

using std::getline;

using std::stringstream;

double input;

string str = "";

while (true)


cout << "Enter a positive decimal number: ";

getline (cin, str);

stringstream ss (str);

if (ss >> input && input > 0)


cout << "Invalid input, please try again..." << endl;


double squared = input * input;

double square_root = sqrt (input);

cout << input << " squared is " << squared << endl;

cout << "The square root of " << input << " is " << square_root << endl;


Example output

Enter a positive decimal number: 1.234

1.234 squared is 1.52276

The square root of 1.234 is 1.11086

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15y ago

That's what function sqrt is good for, prototype in math.h.

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Write a C program to calculate the sum of squares of numbers from 1 to N?

#include &lt;iostream&gt; using namespace std; int main() { int i,sum; // variables sum = 0; // initialize sum /* recursive addition of squares */ for (i = 1; i &lt;= 30; i++) sum = sum + (i * i); cout &lt;&lt; sum &lt;&lt;" is the sum of the first 30 squares." &lt;&lt; endl; return 0; }

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Using its Taylor-series.

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What is the benefit of using function.llustrate different ways of passing argument to function in c plus plus?

Functions are used to reduce the lines of code and the complexity of the code. For an instance let us suppose that you want to calculate the factorial of numbers at different times in a program. There are two ways to do this 1. Write a 4-5 line code every time you want to calculate factorial. 2. Write a function of 4-5 lines which calculates the factorial and call that function every time you need to calculate factorial by just writing a single line. In C++ you can pass the variable, address of the variable or a reference to the variable in a function

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