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int main()


std::cout << "Enter two numbers: ";

double a, b;

std::cin >> a >> b; // note: error handling omitted for brevity!

std::cout <<"The product of " << a << " and " << b << " is " << a*b << '\n';


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The extension of a file containing a C program can be any extension, so long as the compiler or platform can infer the proper rules to build it. Commonly, for C programs, the extension is .c, so myfile.c would be a C program. The term cpp is not a designation for C++. It means C Program Precompiler, and it is the normal way to build one or more C programs into an executable. Over the years, cpp has evolved into being able to handle all sorts of languages. C++ is one of them. Typical extensions for C++ programs are .cc, .cpp, and .cxx.

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That is possible. Try it.

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