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Dim intNumber As Integer

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Q: How would you write Visual Basic Code to declare an Integer variable called intNumber?
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What is used to declare variables in Visual Basic?

declaration of variable is dim a as integer

Write a program to calculate the average of n numbers using array?

C:#includeint main(){int num,sum,avg=0,i;printf("enter a number");scanf("%d",&num);for(i=0;i

When defining a variable in visual basic what key word appear at the beignning of the statement?

Dim x as integer = 7

What is declaring in Visual Basic?

Its basically telling the computer "hey, this is something". you have to think, computers are actually dumb. they have to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. like a growing child, once you teach it, it'll be able to work efficiently. Just like telling a baby "this is a butter knife", you're telling the computer "this is [insert variable here]" otherwise the computer will tell you it doesn't know what that is. In visual basic you would declare a variable by placing "Dim" in front of the variable at the beginning of your code. Example "Dim intRate as Integer" which is telling the computer "The object i named intRate is an integer" hope that helps

How do you declare a variable that stores happy new year or other greeting messages in visual basic 2010?

Declare a string variable to store the message value.For example:Dim message As String = "Happy New Year"Console.WriteLine(message)message = "Merry Christmas"Console.WriteLine(message)

How do you declare a variable that stores happy new year or other greeting massages in visual basic 2010?

Declare a string variable to store the message value. For example: Dim message As String = "Happy New Year" Console.WriteLine(message) message = "Merry Christmas" Console.WriteLine(message)

What is the default data type for Visual Basic?

A variable has a data type such as integer, string, double. A data type tells the variable to only store values that are a particular data type, so you can only store numbers without decimal points in an integer variable, and only characters such as "ABCD" in a string variable.

What is long in visual basic?

Long is a kind of data type that can contain any number from 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. This means that if you declare a variable or array as a "long", then it will be able to contain these numbers.

How you can establish the properties in Visual Basic?

To establish a varibale in visual basic. You can write Dim xxx as 'data type' Public xxx as 'data type' Public allows a variable to be tranfered across forms. If you also use vb, You have to declare ALL variables

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How do you write an assignment statement in visual basic?

You declare it by this: Dim var as integer or Public var as integer You can use other types instead of integer like long, double, string, byte etc. Using Public is for making a variable accessible from everywhere and using Dim is for making it accessible only from where you declared it from. For using the variable you just type: var = 1 var = "something" var = 5 + 10 * (2 - 3) var = var & "abc" var &= "abc" In each case the variable will have these values: 1 something -15 Whatever var had before plus abc Again whatever var had before plus abc These are the basics of using a variable

How is a box and whisker plot useful?

It is a very simple way to create a visual summary of the central location and spread of a variable. It is a very simple way to create a visual summary of the central location and spread of a variable. It is a very simple way to create a visual summary of the central location and spread of a variable. It is a very simple way to create a visual summary of the central location and spread of a variable.