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It makes a gas

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Q: What are some advantages to using petroleum?
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What is some advantages of using petroleum?

can be a lubricantin many products we usecan withstand high heats

What are the advantages of using petroleum?

Petroleum helps us make many different materials and products, to help us in life.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using petroleum to generate electricity?

it gives u power.

What are some of the advantages of petroleum?

it's playing roblox.a game.

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Its far better for the environment.

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There are none

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The advantages of using biofuels is that they are renewable unlike fossil fuels.Recycled vegetable oil is used to make biodiesel (B100), not petroleum. Hence you are decreasing demand for petroleum and reusing a biological, renewable resource, and emissions are significantly less (see link below).Reference link below.they are renewable

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of petroleum for your planet?

Well, for my planet (Zenus 117), petroleum is a major food source, so....