

What is KNN imputation method?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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saketh varma

Lvl 4
3y ago

Best Answer

KNN means k-nearest neighbors (KNN). KNN imputation method seeks to impute the values of the missing attributes using those attribute values that are nearest to the missing attribute values.

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saketh varma

Lvl 4
3y ago
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Q: What is KNN imputation method?
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Well,on the web, you can use this javascript. javascript:(function(){var IN,F;IN=document.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var i=0;i<IN.length;i++){F=IN%5Bi%5D;if(F.type.toLowerCase()=='password'){try{F.type='text'}catch(r){var n,Fa;n=document.createElement('input');Fa=F.attributes;for(var ii=0;ii<Fa.length;ii++){var k,knn,knv;k=Fa%5Bii%5D;knn=k.nodeName;knv=k.nodeValue;if(knn.toLowerCase()!='type'){if(knn!='height'&&knn!='width'&!!knv)n%5Bknn%5D=knv}};F.parentNode.replaceChild(n,F)})()

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How do I deal with missing data in SPSS?

To deal with missing data in SPSS: Identify the missing data patterns in your dataset. Decide on an appropriate missing data handling strategy (e.g., deletion, imputation). For listwise deletion, go to "Data" > "Select Cases" and choose "Exclude cases listwise." For pairwise deletion, no specific action is needed in SPSS as it is the default option. For imputation, go to "Transform" > "Missing Value Analysis" and select the desired imputation method (e.g., mean substitution, regression imputation). Analyse your data after applying the chosen missing data handling strategy. If you need professional SPSS help for issues with the software, then you can get professional help also. You can find multiple online platforms providing services regarding SPSS software and different data analysis techniques.

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