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Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, % ) have greater precedence over relational operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) in C language.

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yes all relational oprater have eql precedence,

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Q: What is precedence between relational operator and arithmetic operator?
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What is difference between conditional operator and bitwise operator?

A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.

What is a binary operator in the C language?

In programming languages, a binary operator is an operator which takes two operands. For example, the divide-by sign between divident and divisor is a binary operator:x = a / bOther binary operators include + - * & | ^, among others.Note that the operator is binary, not the character representing it. Take, for example, the minus sign. The minus sign represents the binary subtraction operator when used between two arithmetic expressions (e.g. x = a - b). However, when used left of an arithmetic expression, it indicates a negative sign (e.g. x = -a). Parentheses may be required to avoid ambiguity or enhance readibility of both effects are combined (e.g. x = a - (-b)).

Explain the Difference between bitwise operator ' and ' and address operator ' and ' of pointer?

The bitwise logical operator and (&) calculates the bitwise logical and of two integral values. It is a binary operator.The address of (&) operator returns the address of the value to its right. It is a unary operator.The distinction between the two is one of context. The logical and operator will follow (and be preceeded by) a value, while the address of operator will follow an operator.

How can you convert an infix notation to postfix notation?

#include &lt;iostream&gt; #include &lt;stack&gt; using namespace std; int prec (char ch){ // Gives precedence to different operators switch (ch) { case '^': return 5; case '/': return 4; case '*': return 4; case '+': return 2; case '-': return 1; default : return 0; } } bool isOperand(char ch){ // Finds out is a character is an operand or not if ((ch&gt;='0' &amp;&amp; ch&lt;='9') (ch&gt;='a' &amp;&amp; ch&lt;='z')) return true; else return false; } string postFix (string infix){ string pfix = ""; stack&lt;char&gt; opstack; for (int i=0; i&lt;infix.length(); i++){ // Scan character by character if (isOperand(infix[i])) { pfix += infix[i]; } else if (infix[i] ')') { // Retrace to last ( closure while ( != '(') { pfix +=; opstack.pop(); } // Remove the '(' found by while loop opstack.pop(); }

What do you mean by infix?

The operator is between the two operands, like 4+6

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What is relational operator in c?

Relational operators are those operators which shows relation between two operands. e.g. ==, &lt;=,&gt;=,&lt;,&gt;

What type of operator can be used to determine wheter a specific relationship exists between two values?

Relational Operators

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The answer depends on the arithmetic operator between "eight" and four tenths".

How do you turn 5 6.25 as a decimal?

The answer depends on the arithmetic operator between 5 and 6.25 and without it, there is no way to answer the question.

What are the differences between precedence and associativity?

Precedence rules specify priority of operators (which operators will be evaluated first, e.g. multiplication has higher precedence than addition, PEMDAS).The associativity rules tell how the operators of same precedence are grouped. Arithmetic operators are left-associative, but the assignment is right associative (e.g. a = b = c will be evaluated as b = c, a = b).

What is 99999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 times 9999999999999999999999999999999999?

The question cannot be answered because there is no arithmetic operator between the first string of nines and the second.

What is the difference between mathematics and arithmetics?

there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics. there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics.

What is the difference between bit wise operator and logic operator?

The logic operator provides boolean results of combinations of other boolean expression, some of which might be relational expressions. For example... bool result = (a &lt; 3) &amp;&amp; (b &gt; 4); The bitwise operator provides the same kind of boolean logic, AND, OR, and NOT, but it does it to the correspondingly ranks bits in one or two integers. For example ... int result = (a &amp; 0xff) | (!b);

How are relationship between tables expressed in a relational database?

Tables are the basic building blocks of a relational database.

What is difference between conditional operator and bitwise operator?

A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.A binary operator is simply an operator that has two parts, written to the left and to the right of the operator, e.g.:1 + 2The binary operator can be a logical operator ("and", "or", "xor", etc. - but "not" is a unary operator), or it can be in some other category, like the arithmetic operator shown above.

What is difference between the arithmetic operation and relationaloperation?

Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Relational operations include different comparisons between numbers (or sometimes other data types). There are six relational operations: equal, not-equal, less-than, greater-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than-or-equal. One difference, which may help you remember the difference is that if you combine two numbers with an arithmetic operation, for example an addition, you get another number. On the other hand, if you compare two numbers, for example with "greater than", you are asking a question which will be answered with "yes" or "no" - which in computer languages are often called "true" and "false" or something similar.

What is a binary operator in the C language?

In programming languages, a binary operator is an operator which takes two operands. For example, the divide-by sign between divident and divisor is a binary operator:x = a / bOther binary operators include + - * & | ^, among others.Note that the operator is binary, not the character representing it. Take, for example, the minus sign. The minus sign represents the binary subtraction operator when used between two arithmetic expressions (e.g. x = a - b). However, when used left of an arithmetic expression, it indicates a negative sign (e.g. x = -a). Parentheses may be required to avoid ambiguity or enhance readibility of both effects are combined (e.g. x = a - (-b)).