Machine language
Herman Hollerith who developed the first mechanical tabulating system in 1890 (approximately).
According to Aulus gellius, Archytas, the Ancient Greekphilosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist, was reputed to have designed and built the first artificial, self-propelled flying device, a bird-shaped model propelled by a jet of what was probably steam, said to have actually flown some 200 meters. This machine, which its inventor called The Pigeon.
It's a "low level" language because it works at the machine level, while higher level languages are built on top of it.
Not at all, except for the first few computers I used (which were built with discrete germanium transistors) every machine I used was built using silicon chips. If the first computer you used was in the 1980s or later, you probably never saw a machine that wasn't entirely silicon chips. Even the germanium transistor machines ran about the same as modern computers, except the I/O which was usually very mechanical.
British Tabulating Machine Company was created in 1902.
Herman Hollerith invented the tabulating machine to support work in the US 1890 census, tabulating numbers for the count of population in the country.
1890, i think...?
He built a "counting" machine for the US census using punched cards and electric contacts. In 1896 he started the Tabulating Machine Company. In 1911, his & 3 other companies formed the Computing Tabulating Recording Company, In 1924 it was renamed International Business Machines Corp (IBM).
It was invented in 1929.
to help his father
IBM was originally called CTR (Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation) before changing to IBM in 1924. The original name comes from the 3 previous companies that were merged together in 1911 to form CTR. These companies were the International Time Recording company, the Tabulating Machine company, and the Computing Scale Corporation.
Invented by Herman Hollerith, the machine was developed to help process data for the 1890 U.S. Census.
1890 US Census.
The tabulating machine was an electromechanical machine designed to assist in summarizing information and, later, accounting and was developed by Herman Hollerith, the founder of IBM. The modern version is a calculator.