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an adjective clause.

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Q: A clause that begins with a relative pronoun is a?
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Is the clause Who wrote Gothic and macabre short stories an adverb clause?

No. It is an adjective clause, as it begins with a relative pronoun (who).

What does an adjective clause begin with?

An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun, such as who, whom, whose, which, that, when, or where.

What is an adjective clause introduced by?

begins with a relative pronoun (who, whose, whom, which, that) or a relative adverb (when, where)

What is a complete relative clause?

A relative clause always begins with a relative pronoun that is substituted for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. A relative clause functions like an adjective, giving more information on a noun.

An adverb clause usually begins with a relative pronoun?

The answer is true. Yes they do.

What is a complete clause?

A relative clause always begins with a relative pronoun that is substituted for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. A relative clause functions like an adjective, giving more information on a noun.

Is were a relative clause?

No. A clause is more than one word. Were is the past form of are. In this sentence -- The boy who we met yesterday is very strange. The clause - who we met yesterday - is a relative clause. It begins with the relative pronoun - who.

What word begins the noun clause in this sentence. The most impressive sight in Mexico City is what Mexicans call Zocalo?

The word that begins the noun clause is the relative pronoun 'what', for the relative clause 'what Mexicans call Zocalo'.

When can you leave out the relative pronoun in a defining relative clause?

When the relative pronoun is the object of the sentence.

What is the pronoun of THAT in These are the documents THAT will be most useful?

The pronoun 'that' is functioning as a relative pronoun, introducing the relative clause 'that will be most useful'.The relative clause is providing information 'relating' to its antecedent, 'documents'.

What is the demonstrative pronoun in this sentence This is Max who is from Switzerland?

The antecedent for the relative pronoun 'who' is Max.The pronoun 'who' introduces the relative clause 'who is from Switzerland'.The relative clause 'who is from Switzerland' provides information that 'relates' to the antecedent noun 'Max'.

What is the antecedent for the relative pronoun in this sentence 'This is Max WHO is from Switzerland'?

The antecedent for the relative pronoun 'who' is Max.The pronoun 'who' introduces the relative clause 'who is from Switzerland'.The relative clause 'who is from Switzerland' provides information that 'relates' to the antecedent noun 'Max'.