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A document theme includes sets formatting choices and theme colors. It also includes the options to edit, save, apply, and customize the document.

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Q: A document theme includes sets of?
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What sets color scheme font font size and layout of presentation?

Document Theme

What provides consistency in design and color throughout the entire presentation?

A Document Theme.

Which elements of a word document can be displayed in color?

Learn how to create custom layout themes in Word and Excel. ... A document theme is a set of formatting choices that includes theme colors, theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and theme effects (including lines and fill ... Note: Custom is available only if you created one or more custom document themes.

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Office Theme

What is a document theme?

a document theme is a predefined set of formatting choices that can be applied to an entire document in one simple step ...

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The document that sets out the rules of government is the Australian Constitution.

What document sets the limit on the presidents power?

The Constitution.

The gallery of font colors includes a set of theme colors and a set of standard colors.?

Yes. Font colors are often theme specific, but most sets of colors will include a standard set of basic colors as well.

The gallery of font colors includes a set of theme colors and a set of standard colors?

Yes. Font colors are often theme specific, but most sets of colors will include a standard set of basic colors as well.

What is the document that sets out country should be run is called?

A constitution is the document that states how a country should be run.

Is the verve document theme available in office 365?
