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The word gregarious means outgoing and sociable. Some dolphins, such as the Pacific white-sided dolphins, are gregarious. The northern right whale dolphin is known for being exceptionally gregarious.

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Q: Are dolphins gregarious
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What part of speech is gregarious?

Gregarious is an adjective.

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The man was very gregarious when it came to politics.

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A group of gregarious people. Licensed from iStock Photo. adjective. The definition of gregarious is people or animals that are very social and enjoy being in crowds. An example of gregarious is someone who talks with everyone at a party.

Are polar bears gregarious?

No, Polar bears are not gregarious. They are solitary.

What is an antonym for gregarious?

An antonym for gregarious would be solitary, or withdrawn.

What is the noun for gregarious?

The noun form of "gregarious" is "gregariousness."

How can you use gregarious in a sentence?

She was known for her gregarious personality, always seeking out social gatherings and making new friends wherever she went.

What is a sentence using gregarious?

Bob is very popular and has many friends; he is gregarious.

What does gregariose mean?

I'm assuming you mean "gregarious" not "gregariose". Gregarious means to enjoy the company of others, someone who is fond of company. "He was a popular and gregarious man".

What can gregarious use as in a sentence?

Murray is so gregarious; he's always the life of the party.

What is the mining of gregarious?

Gregarious is not a mineral, it is the state of being friendly and outgoing. It has nothing to do with mining.