

Best Answer

No, because there are not 100 plural pronouns.

The plural pronouns are:

  1. we
  2. us
  3. you (can be singular or plural)
  4. they
  5. them
  6. these
  7. those
  8. our
  9. ours
  10. your (can be singular or plural)
  11. yours (can be singular or plural)
  12. their
  13. theirs
  14. ourselves
  15. yourselves
  16. themselves
  17. both
  18. few
  19. fewer
  20. many
  21. others
  22. several
  23. all (can be singular or plural)
  24. any (can be singular or plural)
  25. more (can be singular or plural)
  26. most (can be singular or plural)
  27. none (can be singular or plural)
  28. some (can be singular or plural)
  29. such (can be singular or plural)
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Q: Can you give 100 examples of plural pronoun?
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