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Q: Can you give me an example of a poem about modals?
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Can you give me a five example of modals?

wla akong alam

What are the different modals and their uses?

Modals are special verbs that give more information about the function of the main verb...The main uses: PossibilityAbilityPermissionObligation

What are the forms and function of modals?

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Can you give me an example of a definition poem?


What are the kinds modals?

kinds of modals

Could you give me an example of a point of view poem?

No. (:

What are modals and example of essay?

I already see answers about modals and if you want to read more about it, here it is https : //ivypanda . com/essays/modals-in-different-varieties-of-english/. As for an example of such essays, there are plenty of them on different sites. They are written by the authors in short literary composition and that's all.

Give some examples of sentences using modals?

Basic modals (can, could, may, might, must, should, ought to, have to, have got to, had better).................. for the study and teaching of English as a second language.

Give example of narrative poem?

End Middle Beginning

Give an example of a poetry quote?

"One true and honest poem, came from the heart"

Can you give me an example of a speech choral poem piece?

bells by edgar allan poe

What is the full form of dgsnd?

the full form of dgsnd is directorate general supplies and disposals. it is the rate contract for some specific modals like (with some specific desktop modals, some laptop modals, with some workstation modals. it is valid upto 31/12/2012.