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Having a fancy car is a luxury in today's economy.

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Q: Can you please advise me on the correct grammar using the word luxury can you say eg this car is so luxury?
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Is the phrase please advise correct grammar after a question?

Yes, "please advise" is correct grammar to use after asking a question when you are seeking advice or guidance from the person you are addressing. It is a common and polite way to request further information or recommendations.

Is the phrase 'please advise' correct grammar when put after a question?

"Please advise" is used at the beginning of an imperative sentence: "Please advise when I receive an answer to my question."

Is ' please advise if you are available for a conference call' correct grammar?

Sure it's correct but wouldn't you rather they "respond" if they are available?

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The grammar in "Is this grammar correct for your action immediately please" is not correct. A more grammatically accurate way to phrase the question would be, "Is this grammar correct for your immediate action, please?"

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The grammar is not correct. A more correct way to phrase it would be: "Please return the document to me after signing."

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It is Can you please stop

Is this correct grammer please return to me after signed?

The correct grammar should be: "Please return this to me after signing."

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Yes, "Please submit the report to Johanna or me" is correct grammar. "Me" is the correct pronoun to use in this context because it is the object of the preposition "to."

What is the correct grammar for Please proceed with responding to or Please proceed to respond to?

Proceed with.

What is the correct grammar for this statement - Please respond back to Mike and I or Please respond back to Me and Mike.?

The correct grammar for the statement would be "Please respond back to Mike and me." Use "me" instead of "I" because it is the object of the verb "respond" in this sentence.

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence 'Please note that this letter is merely an inquiry regarding your interest and availability?

The correct grammar for the sentence is: "Please note that this letter is merely an inquiry regarding your interest and availability."

What ids the difference between Please be advise and Please advise?

"Please be advised" is used to inform or notify someone about something, while "please advise" is used to ask for guidance or instructions from someone. The former is more of a statement, while the latter is a request for information.