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Yes for example "Many years ago I was in love." or something

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Q: Can you start a sentence with many?
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Yes, I can start a sentence with "Is."

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You can begin the sentence with a modifying adverb clause. "With the proper care, many mistreated dogs will recover."

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You can start a sentence with "Also"

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You start a sentence with whatever word you need to start it with. A sentence can start with "A" if it needs to. A sentence just needs to make sense.

Can you start a sentence with to?

Yes, a quote form Shakespeare will tell you that you can start a sentence with to. :To be, or not to be?

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Can you start a sentence with For?

Yes you can! "For ten long years, I pondered how to start a sentence with 'for'."

How do you open a sentence?

The first word of a sentence must start with a capital letter. There are millions of ways to start a sentence!

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Some words that start with "pre" that can be used in a sentence are: preheat, predict, prevent, and prescribe.

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No it won't, unless it is at the start of a sentence.