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A thesaurs differs from a dictionary because of its meaning. you could use thesaurus instead of a dictionary when more information is needed when a dictionary's definition is implacent.

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Q: Describe how a thesaurus differs from a dictionary and state when you should use a thesaurus instead of a dictionary?
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When should you use a thesaurus instead of a dictionary?

A Dictionary will give you the meaning of a word, its etymology and its roots, where a Thesaurus will give you words which have a similar (often the same) meaning and can be used in a similar context.

When you should use a thesaurus instead of a dictionary?

If you are looking for words that define more clearly what it is that you are trying to express.

What could you use instead of said?

exclaimed, whispered, shouted, roared, cried, laughed..... there are a lot more just look up the dictionary or thesaurus

What thersauras used for?

A thesaurus is used sort of like a dictionary, but instead of looking up definitions of words, you look for words with the same meaning of that word.

What is a thersaurus?

its like a dictionary, except it gives synonyms for words. A thesaurus is similar to a dictionary, but instead of definitions, it will give you synonyms (similar words) and antonyms (opposites) of the words listed. it provides words that mean the same thing!

What would one find in a thesaurus?

A thesaurus is a dictionary-like book that lists terms in alphabetical order, but instead of listing their definitions, it lists synonyms or similarly defined words and concepts. It is a useful tool for writing, mostly used to avoid repetition.

Can you use or to start a sentence?

You can, but traditionally coordinating conjunctions (such as and, but, or) are not used to start a sentence. You might consider using "alternatively" instead. For more synonyms of "or" consult a thesaurus or dictionary.

What is another word you can use instead of the word that?

look in a thesaurus

What are other words you can use instead of according?

Allow and admit is what it said in the thesaurus.

Adjectives that could sensibly be used instead of the word scary?

frightening horrifyingtry a thesaurus for more

Different words for walked instead of using a thesaurus?


What is the medical dictionary used for?

The medical dictionary is commonly used like a regular dictionary, but instead full of medical related words.