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Biodiversity is important for two main reasons. First, biodiversity allows for exotic plants to grow from which humans can use for medicine. Second, and finally, the flora and the fauna are maintained by allowing biodiversity to flourish.

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Q: Describe two arguments for preserving biodiversity?
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You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)You could say the name, the brackets and the arguments. All functions will have a name and brackets. For most functions there will be something inside the brackets, known as arguments, although some functions have no arguments. Here are the two forms.=NAME()=NAME(arguments)The TODAY function has no arguments so it can be entered like this:=TODAY()The SUM function must have arguments, so it could be something like this:=SUM(A2:A20)