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meter or iambic pentameter

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No, they don't.

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Q: Do all sonnets follow the same rhythm pattern?
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Is sonnet 18 a limerick?

No sonnet is a limerick. Sonnets have 14 lines; limericks have 5. Sonnets are written in iambic pentameter; limericks have a characteristic rhythm consisting of two lines composed of an iamb and two spondees followed by two lines of an iamb followed by a spondee and a last line in the same rhythm as the first. Limericks always have the rhyme scheme aabba. Sonnets are usually ababcdcdefefgg or abbaabbacdecde or some similar scheme. A limerick clearly is not The same kind of poem you thought Without fourteen lines And that pattern of rhymes It's not a sonnet, it's sonnot.

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Is rhythm paradise the same as rhythm heaven?

Yes. Rhythm paradise is an European version while rhythm heaven is an American one. There's also a Korean version called rhythm world but they are all the same.

Which song has the same rhythm as happy birthday?

The Star Spangle banner is very close to the same rhythm.

How may sonnets are in shakespeare's sonnet sequence?

Shakespeare's sonnets are not a sonnet sequence in the same way that Spenser's Faerie Queene is. Sonnets with similar themes seem to be grouped together but they do not combine to make a coherent narrative, as sonnet sequences do. When the sonnets were published in 1609, there were 154 of them.

What is unique about Spensers sonnet sequence?

Nothing. He wrote several sonnet sequences, including Amoretti, pub. 1595, consisting of 89 sonnets, Visions of the World's Vanitie, pub. 1590, 12 sonnets, Visions of Bellay, same date, 15 sonnets, and Visions of Petrarch, same date, 7 sonnets. There is also Ruines of Rome, pub. 1591, a sequence of 33 sonnets. The Faerie Queene is not a sonnet sequence: its verses are nine lines long.

What is the concept of rhythm?

Fundamental rhythm is the same as fundamental movement. Fundamental movement is what we do with our body without any hindrance e.g. Bending, jogging, marching etc.

In poetry what is rhythm the same as?
