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Treat the title of a speech in the same way as you would treat the title of a poem. Personally, I'd use single inverted commas for both, but there are alternative conventions.

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Q: Do you underline the title of a speech when mentioned in an essay?
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How do you find a title for your essay?

Well the title of your essay will be the topic that you chose to write about.

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Do you underline the title of an essay?

No,you don't. It's just like a author doesn't underline the book title on the cover page.

Do you underline the title of a chart in an essay in the ASA format style?

No, in ASA format style, you do not underline the title of a chart in an essay. Instead, the title of the chart should be capitalized and centered above the chart.

Do you underline street names in an essay?

Not unless they are part of the title.

When writing an essay do you underline the title of a memoir?

No, you do not underline the title of a memoir when writing an essay. Instead, italicize the title to indicate that it's a separate work from the rest of the text.

When writing an MLA essay do you underline the title of a play?

No, in MLA format you do not underline the title of a play. Instead, you should italicize the title to indicate that it is a work of art.

What do you do to the title of a tv show in an essay?

If you're typing an essay, you would italicize it, if you're writing an essay, you would underline it.

Are book titles within an essay underlined?

Yes, you must underline books within an essay. You cannot do quotation marks, or apostrophes on both sides of the title, bold, or italicize it. You must underline a book in an essay.

Do you underline a short story mentioned in an essay?

Typically, short stories are enclosed in quotation marks when mentioned in an essay, rather than being underlined. This helps to distinguish the title of the short story from the rest of the text and follows standard punctuation and formatting conventions.