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No. A direct quote is words from another author (besides yourself) that are copied verbatim. This always needs quotes. Paraphrasing does not need quotes. Paraphrasing is when you restate the author's ideas in your own words.

However, paraphrases sometimes incorporate direct quotes and these will need to be enclosed in quotation marks.

The source should be acknowledged.

A paraphrase is not a direct quote and does not require quotation marks. You do, however need to give credit to its author through correct citation.

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7y ago

No. A paraphrase is restating a whole text to make it clearer or easier to understand.

A quotation is a few words or a sentence taken from a whole text. eg "to be or not to be" is a quotation from Hamlet

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Q: Does a paraphrase have quotation marks?
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In the quotation marks.

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Quotation marks. "" <- are quotation marks

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What symbol tells you the material is quoting?

"..." Quotation marks.

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If a word is in quotation marks, and you're quoting it, use single quotation marks to indicate an embedded quotation.

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The same punctuation is used inside of quotation marks as is used outside of quotation marks.

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A paraphrase is when you reword someone else's ideas in your own words, while a quotation is when you repeat someone else's exact words.

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Quotation marks should not be used when blockquoting.