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A verb can do all three. eg The boy plays footballThe boy is a good player The boy has a red shirt And there are other possibilities too: "John, you clean up that mess!" The verb is still the verb, even in John never does what he is told. "Will Margaret help me with my math homework?" Margaret is not acting, the verb isn't saying anything about what Margaret is, and it says nothing about what Margaret has.

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Q: Does a verb state what the subject does is or has in a sentence?
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Where can you find the subject and verb in a sentence?

The subject is often near the start of a sentence: it is the thing or person that the sentence is about, and for an action verb, it is the thing or person performing the action. The verb is the action or state described in the sentence: what the subject does or is.

What is the subject and verb of this sentence the gold rush brought thousands of miners and settlers to the state?

subject = the gold rush verb = brought

What states what the subject doesisor has?

The verb in a sentence states what the subject does or has. It is the action or state of being that the subject is performing or experiencing.

Waved to the pigs is that a complete sentence?

no, every sentence needs a subject and a verb. waved is a verb but there is no subject. the subject is who or what is doing the verb.

Is 'here's why a sentence?

No, "here's why" is typically the beginning of a sentence or phrase that is used to introduce a reason or explanation for something. It is not a complete sentence on its own.

Is 'They made culinary desserts' a sentence?

Does it have a subject and a verb? The subject is "They" and the verb is "made" so it is a sentence. A proper sentence must have a subject and a verb and make sense.

How do you know if a verb is a action verb?

A verb is an action verb if it is something that is happening, and that has some effect; for example, in the sentence "I walk to the store," walk is an action verb because the subject, I, is performing a task. In the sentence, "I am at the store," am is a being verb because it describes a state of being; the subject, I, IS as the store.

What is the differents between a sentence and none sentence?

A sentence requires a subject and a verb, without those, it's not a sentence. "Into the water" is not a sentence; when you add a subject and a verb, "My keys fell into the water." you have a sentence. The subject is 'keys', the verb is 'fell'.

Is the word can a state of being verb?

No.A basic sentence with a state of being verb is:I am happy, They are sad, She was readyIf you try to substitute can into these sentences you can see that it is not the same:I can happy, she can ready,State of being verb forms are:be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been

A group of word having a subject and a verb?

A sentence is a string of words with both a subject and a verb. A sentence without either a subject or a verb is incomplete.

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb?

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb uses the verb to connect the subject of the verb to more information about the subject. The linking verb will not express an action.

What is the difference between a verb and a noun?

A verb is a word that expresses the action, occurrence, or a state of being of the subject of a sentence or a clause. A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing. A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and the object of a verb or a preposition.