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Not always, but usually. Vowels include AEIOU, Y, and W (in words from Welsh).

Some "words" do not have vowels.

- Interjections (onomatopoeia), such as brr, hmm, psst, shh, tsk, and zzz.

-The numerical term "nth" (an unspecified ordinal)

-The slang word "pwn" (meaning and sometimes pronounced as "own," or as "pone," and referring to a position of dominance, control, or humiliation).

- Acronyms and initialisms, such as DMV or BRB

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In the English language there are about 300 words without vowels

no there is not

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Q: Does every word have a vowel in it?
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every word in the english language has a vowel.

What is a word called that has no vowel?

A word with no vowel is called a consonant cluster. Examples include "try," "rhythm," and "glyph."

Is it a rule that in every syllable of a word there must be a vowel?

No, but there must be a vowel sound.

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every word has at least one vowel... or a vowel sound, as in sky or my

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Is simulate a Vowel Consonate Consonate Vowel?

No, because every other letter is a vowel in that word. There are not two consonants in a row anywhere in it.

Which words have a vowel in each syllable?

Some examples of words with a vowel in each syllable are "ocean," "video," and "rectangle."

What Vowel?

There are mainly 5 vowels. A, E, I, O, U. In every English word, there is at least one vowel. However, sometimes "y" is used as a vowel like in the word "gym".

What word has a vowel in it?

Nearly every word in the English Language, because it is the peak of syllables.

How syllables in the word socks?

1. there is only one vowel and every syllable requires a vowel (or, in some cases, 'y', which can stand in for a vowel) and 'o' is the only vowel in socks.

Has every word in the world got a vowl in?

That depends on your definition of the word vowel. All English words have vowel sounds in them, but the word rhythm does not contain a,e,i,o, or u.

Words that don't contain a vowel?

There aren't any. Every word has a vowel or a Y in it.