

Best Answer

No, u

nless it is used as part of the proper




Do you want to read the book, The Pilgrims' Progress?

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Q: Does the p in pilgrim be capitalized in the midle of the sentence?
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Should hurricane Alex be capitalized in a sentence?

Yes it should. :p

Is iPhone capitalized in the middle of a sentence?

the letter p is just like how you said your question

Is pilgrim a common noun or a proper noun?

If the word pilgrim is used as a name of a group of people like "The Pilgrim's corn was harvested. " (Capitalized) If the word is used as a common word like "I saw a pilgrim in the street" (Not capitalized)

Is P on Physician Capitalized?

No, except at the beginning of a sentence because it is n ot a proper n ou n.

Should the word department be capitalized?

It depends; if your using it in the middle of a sentence then no; if your using it at the begging of a sentence then YES!!So really it's just like any other word. Oh but if your talking about(example)in a store, then it would most likely be capitalized!!:p

Is the P capitalized in president in the sentence we are honoring John Smith president of Haworth?

Yes. It should be--- We are honoring John Smith, President of Haworth.

Is poodle capitalized?

no because it is not named after a person or place, such as German Shepard. Poodle is named after a German word.

What has the author D P Capper written?

D. P. Capper has written: 'On the Pilgrim's Way'

Is there a period after the abbreviation p?

Yes, if the p is a capitalized initial. Example: His name was P. Smith.

When do you capitalize the p in president?

When you are referring to a specific president. If you are talking about the President of the United States, it's capitalized. If you are referring to President Kennedy, it's capitalized. It is not capitalized if you are saying, "someday I want to be president", because you are not referring to the person who is a president.Foreign leaders are not capitalized except as titles or direct address ("In Russia, the president wields substantial power.")

Does phosphorus have to be capitalized?

The full name of the element does not need to be capitalized, unless there is some independent grammatical reason for capitalization such as being in a title or the first word of a sentence. Thee chemical symbol for phosphorus, however, should be the single capital letter P.

Is the P in polar bear capitalized?

No, the P in "polar bear" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.