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Q: Does the words brand new have a hyphen?
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Related questions

Is brand- new compound word?

No,there is a hyphen in the world

What do you get when you join two words together with a hyphen?

When join two words together with hyphen, we normally get a new compound word, which always signifies a combine meaning of the joined words.

What is the difference between a comma and a hyphen?

A comma looks like this , a comma separates phrases or connects two or more sentences. A hyphen looks like this - a hyphen connects words or parts of words to make a new word.

What hyphen is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at end of a line?

It Is A Special Hyphen

What part of speech is hyphen?

The word "hyphen" is a noun. It refers to a punctuation mark (-) used to join words or parts of words together.

What is the hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Non-breaking hyphen

When to put a hyphen between words?

The correct spelling of hyphen is nephyh

What is is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Nonbreaking Hyphen

What are hyphenated words?

Words containing a hyphen (-)

What is a hyphen mostly used for?

A hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. Spaces should not be placed between a hyphen and either of the words it connects except when using a suspended or "hanging" hyphen.

Can timeframe be used as two words without a hyphen?

Time frame should always be two words without a hyphen.

What is the difference between a hyphen and a dash?

a hyphen connects two words, a dash gives a pause between two words....