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The Effects Of Lying Why people lie is for various reasons. Here are some examples of those "various" reasons. People are trying to keep out of trouble. People are trying to make themselves look cooler, trying to basically be a different person. I believe that lying is bad and it shouldn't be used as much as it is today. Lying should only be used to protect you or another person for a good cause. Lying is an inner choice that is in people, they don't have to lie but they choose to, even though in the long run they will probably end up hurting themselves, or the people around them. Lying can definitely help you in some ways and situations, but it can also put you in some major trouble. The ways of lying are on a enormous scale. There are many things that can cause you to lie. There are the basics, in which I told you about earlier in this paper. Here are the other "various" things that are lied about. Things you did. Things you think are cool. There are so many things to lie about that. It is very hard to write about them. Did you even know that adding a little detail to your sayings make it a lie. So yes think of that next time your telling a saying. Can you remember the last time someone lied to you? What is the last time you lied to someone else? Did you ever stop and ask yourself why? There are so many different reasons that a person might lie. Maybe a lie about something to keep oneself out of trouble, or even a lie to impress other people. But either way there are always going to be serious consequences or effects of lying.

People lie everyday to, in someway or another, keep themselves out of trouble. Many teenagers will lie to their parents about what they are doing for the evening, how much of their homework they have done, or how that glass vase got broken while they were out of town. We even lie to others about who that person was, that called the house last night, or what exactly we did with our friends last night. All anyone is trying to get by this is to stay out of trouble when we know we've done wrong. But we never think of the effects of lying. Barely ever, but here is the thing, we need to!

Cheating is a combination of lying and stealing. When you cheat, you are leading others in the wrong direction one way or another, and that's lying. Often, cheating also involves taking ideas that really belong to someone else. Cheating is basically the second way of lying. It is just as bad. You can still get in just as much trouble, cheating, as you can lying. So here is it, DON'T LIE, DON'T FIB, DON'T CHEAT, DON'T DO IT. That's final. Just don't do it.

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth. The reason I choose to lie is a basically unknown reason. I lie just add that little, uplift in what I say. Sort of making it a little less boring. What can I say, I am a compulsive liar. Starting now, its going to stop, and here is what I'm going to do to stop it. To start off, I am going to say this every time before I even go to thinking about lying. "Do I need to lie about this? Will this help me in any way? Why am I going to do this? How will this effect the people around me?" That is what is going to go through my head every time I go to lie. I am also going to start my day off by saying that. I will actually be saying it when I wake up and before I go to bed. I think this will help me stop my lying.

I _______________ am choosing to stop lying. I _______________ think lying is wrong. I _______________ will not lie unless it is to protect someone. I _______________ am promising to stop lying. I _______________ have had someone look over this contract and they have been the witness to me signing this and they know I _______________ am going to stop lying. So for this day forward I am done with lying.

I have realized that lying hurts people around you, and well also hurts you in a way also. That is why I am choosing to stop lying about myself and about others. My lying days are over. Here is why my lying days are over. My lying days are over because I have realized that it is hurting my family, my friends, all the people around me, and unfortunately, myself. Lying has become like an addiction to me. It is something that is grown upon me. It is something that is gradually becoming my life. I am going to stop. Because of lying, it is going to take over, and ruin my life. So I'm killing the "virus" today. I will overcome and master this lying virus, and I will power it. It will not become, or take over me. So sooner or later, I will have defeated this nasty symptom, and it will never return. This lying symptom is now over. I am not, and will not be controlled by it. I am done as of today. Monday, October 27, 2008. This is the day. It is over, done, gone, killed, ziplocked, eaten, and it will never return. I will not have my life and trust thrown away by this nasty lying. Its wrong, it should happen, it is completely horrible. So forth, I won't let it happen. That is the reason I got into this mess and had to write this paper. Because of lying. That is why I will not do it. I who permits myself to tell a lie once, makes it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; I tell lies without attending to it, and truth without the world's believing. This falsehood of the tongue leads to the heart. The important thing is to stop lying to yourself. A person who lies to themselves and believes their own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in them self or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for them self and as well as for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love and, in order to reverse themselves, having no love in themselves and behaves in the end like an animal, in satisfying them. And it all comes from lying, lying to others and to yourself.

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