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noun ( pl. -nies) (also Epiphany)

the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12).

• the festival commemorating this on January 6.

• a manifestation of a divine or supernatural being.

• a moment of sudden revelation or insight.


As a literary term it means a massive change of world view (on the part of a character) following a sudden revelation.

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13y ago
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14y ago

An epiphany is a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. In comic books, the light bulb over someone's head is an epiphany.

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13y ago

I believe a person is said to have an epiphany when they experience a sudden enlightenment, often of a religious or spiritual nature. That is that they come to some realisation of knowledge previously unavailable or unknown to them that is lifechanging and profound.

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11y ago

Her epiphany is that her duty is to stay home with her father even though he is abusive even though she is able to leave and start a wonderful life with the man she loves. This seems strange to us as readers but Joyce is known for having disappointing epiphanies for his characters.

It is not her duty to stay but the problem is that she is unable to make decision whether to stay or not. The fact that she can't make her decision is due to the education that she received when she was a kid; she is exactly like the boy in "the sisters" that education prevented her from talking and saying her opinion. That's why now she cannot take decision, she hesitates. Joyce is doing so to criticize the way children were taught. He is criticizing the Irish society at that time.

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7y ago

An epiphany in literature is a major character's moment of realization or awareness.

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12y ago

I just had a epiphany, i shall start my own banana company

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"Epiphanic" is the adjective form of "epiphany" and was first used in 1951.

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Meaning "stunning discovery" or "breakthrough insight", the term "epiphany" often appears in passages that describe of artistic achievement or religious insight. One example sentence for its use would be the following: "After her epiphany on the voyage home from India, the young woman sold her car, her home, and most of her possessions, then set out to return to where she truly belonged."

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"Epiphany" is a noun.

Is epiphany a noun?

Yes, epiphany is a noun.

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