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Q: Finish the sentence dont bite the hand that?
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Can you give me a sentence using the idom bite the hand that feeds you?

dont bite the hand that feeds you

Can a Worm Snake bite you?

No they dont they just wiggle in your fat hand

How strong is a aligators bite?

why dont you stick your hand in ones mouth and find out

Do walleye bite people?

yes walleye will bite you hand or whatever else it can get in its mouth. if you dont want to get bit dont hold them like a bass XD lololololol

Can you put the word dexterity in a sentence?

The craftsman was able to finish the work quickly and with dexterity.

Where should you buy my parakeets?

Any pet store. The hand raised ones are better to get, because they usually dont bite.

What are the defensive behaviors of a Northern Pike?

they would flee,if possible,but can deliver a nasty bite. I dont think they would bit,only flee.A pike bite is a mistake ,thinking your foot or hand is a prey of some kind

Can clams bite?

clams will not bite, but they may close up on you. So dont put your fingers in them. I own clams and they can close very quickly if something (E.G: fish) brushes past them. the same applies with your hand.

Are Alligator friendly?

No. They will bite the hand that feeds them.

Do fleas bite people too?

yes, they bite anything with hair/fur. lice on the other hand bite only people.

How do you you eat pickles?

You eat them as you would anything else, you put them into your mouth and chew them well. so put it in the mouth and start chewing. its not that hard.

How do spiders protect themelves?

they bite your hand off