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This is my favourite poem. I've read it many times so I'll try to answer this question from what I believe to be true...

A butterfly is born without the ability to fly straight. He cannot learn how to fly straight, this is the way he is.

But in his natural affliction to flying only crooked, he has learned how to fly crooked in a way that nobody else has. He's the best at flying in his particular way.

Guessing to lurch on a branch, maybe a branch that a more nimble butterfly wouldn't choose to lurch on. He does things differently. He uses what he has to do things differently.

Even the most nimble of butterflies, the ones that perhaps most other butterflies should admire, can't master this ones flying crooked gift.

Flying crooked is the best thing that ever happened to him.

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Q: Give a summary of flying crooked by Robert graves?
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What does Thoreau mean when he says that people begin digging their graves as soon as they are born?

He means that most of modern society is rooted in debt, slavery of all figurative and literal sorts and vanity. That most of modern societies "necessities" become traps and hindrances to truly living a simple and free life. Most of modern society even in Thoreau's day were "digging their graves as soon as they are born" if their graves were not in some sense already dug for them through cumbersome inheritance. Carefully read Walden through and you will see him continue to explain what he means through his observations of society and his own discovery of personal freedom.

He in a new confusion of his understanding you in a new understanding of your confusion?

These are the lines of "Robert Graves" of the poem "In Broken Images" in this stanza the poet says that the person becomes dull trusting his clear images and contradictory to that another person becomes sharp mistrusting his broken images . So nothing should be taken for granted and one should remain thoughtful and considerate about the fact of life . In this way one can understand his confusion while the other who do not inquire and trust every thing then hast makes the waste.

What is necrotourism?

one can infer by the word that it means visiting for pleasure tombs, graves, cemeteries, or specific places where people have died. necro is the greek prefix for death and we all know what tourism is

Example of epigrams?

Epigrams are usually short poems or statements made on statues or graves. 'A soldier of the great war known unto god', appeared on many unknown soldiers graves at the end of WW 1. Attributed to Kipling. Some are funny Spike Milligans is 'See, I told you I was ill'

What is the ending to All the Lovely Bad Ones?

In the end. Travis and Corey get the book from Miss Ada and put it in the museum. Then they order a BIG rock with all the names of the children for their graves. And the Lovely Bad ones float up to the sky and then there is a shooting star kinda thing. and the people knew the lovely bad ones were home. :P hope it helped.. <3 this book

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