If you mean the country, you would spell it Portugal.
Spell means a period of time
You spell it like this: FAVORITE
Here the word "spell" is used to mean "fill in for me" or "cover my job", as in "relieve me for a spell" meaning a short period.
Here the word spell does not mean spelling, or to cast a wizard's spell, although it may have derived from the same words. A "spell" is just an unspecified period of time, and a "sunny spell" would indicate several days of good weather, rather than having a "rainy spell".
If you mean Miniture then you spell it Minature
If you mean the fruit or colour, you spell it orange.
assuming you mean as in to spell a word -- ecouter
If you mean the country, you would spell it Portugal.
Do you mean " dawdle " as in to waste time. If so, this is how you spell it.
If you mean the Pokemon, it's typhlosion.
Do you mean Pheasant? ^That's how you spell it^ Hope this helps :)
i think you mean: How do you spell it in chinese. That is poor grammer
Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.
Spell means a period of time
You spell it like this: FAVORITE
synoniynm is not a word but it is a spelling to spell it does not spell like that but like this i will spell it now. synonym