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You can analyze the text by bringing in outside sources. Go into the reading understanding that there are other points of view and the writer is not always right.

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Q: How can readers best analyze and evaluate persuasive appeals?
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This is a kind of writing that tries to persuade readers to accept an authors opinions?

The kind of writing that tries to persuade readers to accept an author's opinions is known as persuasive writing. Its main goal is to convince the audience to agree with the writer's viewpoint by presenting strong arguments, evidence, and appeals to emotions. Persuasive writing is commonly used in advertisements, editorials, speeches, and essays.

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Persuasive or argumentative writing works to persuade readers.

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Answer this question… It allows readers to evaluate a source for themselves.

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So you know which kinds of information will best persuade your readers

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This is the kind of writing that tries to persuade readers to accept an author's opinions

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