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Her wan smile was a thin veneer.

Be careful, as the mahogany veneer is easily sanded through.

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Q: How can you put veneer in a complex sentence?
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Veneer in a sentence?

Please do not dent the veneer.

How do you put solidarity in a complex sentence?


Would you put a comma after wood in the sentence The wood of the sugar maple can also be made into veneer?

Yes, a comma is not needed after "wood" in this sentence. It is already clear that "wood" is the subject being discussed, and inserting a comma may disrupt the flow of the sentence.

Is there such a complex-complex sentence?

no, a complex-complex sentence is just a complex sentence. there is no such thing as a complex-complex sentence.

Sentence with veneer?

"My sister bought some really cheap furniture; it's just cardboard covered in veneer."

Can you put the word caravan in a sentence?

There was a business complex full of caravans.

What is the definition of complex sentence?

It is 2 independent clauses put together by a connective.

What stores sell brick veneer?

We would like to put faux brick on one of our walls. Where can I purchase brick veneer?

What is compound complex?

A compound complex sentence is when you combind a compound sentence and a complex sentence.

Complex sentence with the word tripod?

I put the camera on top of the tripod to keep it steady.

How do you put the word language into a complex sentence?

something that we communicate to people is called a language

How do you use the word 'veneer' in a sentence?

* The veneer on the old dresser was peeling terribly. * Her veneer of concern was irritating in the extreme. * His father's veneer of knowledge caused the young lad to flunk his exam. * At first glance, the desk in the furniture shop seemed quite beautiful, until one realized it was only cherry veneer over pressed wood.