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Drop the T and sub CE, to get abundance.

I confess that when I saw this question I erroneously thought abundancy, but it didn't look right, so I checked.

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Q: How do you change abundant into a noun?
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Related questions

Is abundant a noun?

No abundant is an adjective. Abundance is a noun

How do you use abundant as a noun?

The word 'abundant' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The noun form of the adjective 'abundant' is abundance.Examples:There is abundant sand in the desert. (adjective)There is an abundance of sand in the desert. (noun)

How do you make abundant a noun?

The noun form for the adjective 'abundant' is abundance.Example sentence: The mountains have an abundance of wildlife.

How do you spell abundant?

That is the correct spelling of the noun "abundance" (sufficiency, plenty).

Is abundant an adjective?

Yes, it is an adjective. The noun form is abundance.

What is another word for abundant?

Synonyms are for the noun 'abundance' are:copiousnessplenteousnessoversufficiencyprofusionbountyaffluence

What is the noun for the adjective abundant?

Abundance is the abstract form.

Move change the verb into noun?

Change the verb "run" into a noun. Change the verb "cook" into a noun.

What is the noun of abundant and act?

The noun form related to the adjective abundant is abundance.The word act is a noun form, a word for something that is done, a deed; a law made by a governing body; one of the main divisions of a play, opera, or a show; a display of behavior that is not sincere.Noun forms for the verb to act are actor, action, and the gerund, acting.

How do you change the noun child to another noun?

To change the noun child to another noun, you can use a synonym such as "youth," "adolescent," "offspring," or "descendant."

How do you used abundance in a sentence?

There was an abundant supply of water. Last year we had an abundant harvest of apples.

What type of noun is the word changes?

The noun 'changes' is the plural form for the noun 'change', a singular, common noun. The noun 'change' is an abstract noun as a word for an instance of making or becoming different, the act of replacing a thing with something else (a change of clothes). The noun 'change' is a concrete noun as a word for the money that you get back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something. There is no plural form for this use of the noun change.