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Any quote longer than about one line should be typed as separate paragraph and offset, etc.

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Q: How do you know that you have to offset the quote from the rest of the text even if its four lines long?
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Four sided polygon with one set of parallel lines?

Rhombus, actually all the lines are parallel even though it is an offset square. what you want is a trapezoid or some variation there of.

When quoting more than four lines of prose in mla style how many spaces do you set the quote apart from the left margin?

In MLA style, you should set quotes that are longer than four lines as a block quotation. This is done by indenting the entire quote 1 inch (or 2.54 cm) from the left margin; do not use extra spaces.

What is a block quote and how do you identify it in a paper?

A block quote is a lengthy quotation that is set off from the main text by being indented from the left margin. Typically, block quotes are used when quoting more than four lines of text. You can identify a block quote in a paper by looking for the large indentation and no quotation marks around the quoted text.

Do quotes under four lines have quotation marks?

Yes, quotes under four lines typically have quotation marks. Quotation marks are used to indicate that the words inside them are being spoken by someone else or are referenced from another source.

What is a stanza called that has four lines?

A stanza of four lines is called a quatrain.

Quotations of or more lines must be set off by double spacing and indenting by inch es?

When including a quotation of four or more lines in a block quote, it should be set off from the main text with double spacing and a one-inch left margin indentation. This formatting helps to visually separate the quote from the rest of the text and indicates to the reader that it is a direct quotation. Additionally, be sure to maintain the original formatting of the quote, including any line breaks or indentation within the quotation itself.

How do you construct a quadrilateral?

four lines, attache them at their ends... make a box, even if that box looks like a freak..

Are you supposed to put four period if your ending a sentence in a quote but not the quote itself?

This is only used when you miss part of a quote out. So, if you quote the first part of a quote, miss out the middle, and then quote the end part, you should use the three or four periods to represent the missing text.

What is a couplet quatrain?

A quatrain is, in poetry, a specific type of poem. There are not many rules to follow, and writing a quatrain is fairly simple. The quatrain contains just four lines. That's it and that's all the rules for writing a quatrain.

What are quadrilateral lines?

They are four lines that coincide pairwise in at least four distinct points.

Which figure has exactly four lines of symmetry?

A square has exactly four lines of symmetry.

What has four lines of symmetry?

If you think about it youwill know.But a Square has four lines of symmetry.