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Q: How do you pronounce Despoine?
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Who is Despoine the goddess?

Despoine is "mistress", daughter of Demeter and Poseidon.

How many children did Demeter have with Poseidon?

Two; Arion and Despoine.

Does Demeter have a daughter?

Demeter's most famous daughter is Persephone whom she had with Zeus. Demeter has other daughters, Despoine whose father is Poseidon and Chrysothemis who is the daughter of Karmano. Artemis is also called a daughter of Demeter and associated with Despoine.

Did Demeter have 6 children?

The children of Demeter were : Persephone, Ploutos, Philomelus, Eubouleus, Khrysothemis, Despoine, Areion.

Who is Demeter to poseiden?

Demeter is both sister and lover to Poseidon, together they had Despoine, a mystery goddess; and Areion, a immortal horse.

Who were the sons of Poseidon god of the sea?

Triton, Athena, Despoine, Proteus, Aiolos, and Asopos are Poseidon's children. Poseidon also has nymphe, animal, giant and mortal offspring.

Is Poseidon Demeter's brother?

Yes Poseidon is the brother and lover of Demeter, their parents are Rhea and Cronus and thier children are Despoine, a mystery goddess and Areion, a immortal horse.

Why were Poseidon and Demeter lovers?

Poseidon pursued her, and when Demeter would have gotten away as a mare, Poseidon turned into a stallion and mated with her, the children resulting were Despoine and Areion -this after Persephone was taken.

Who are the daughters of Poseidon-?

The daughters of Poseidon were Athena, Despoine, Aithousa, BenthesIKYME, Herophile, Kymopoleia, Ourea, Rhode, Kharybdis, Eirene, Euadne, and Lamia. They are all of the mortal and immortal daughters of Poseidon.

Whom did Poseidon mate with in the form of a stallion?

Poseidon mated as a horse with Demeter who was a mare, the son of this union was Areion, ther immortal horse. Despoine, mystery goddess was a daughter between the two.

How do you count to 10 in dutch?

een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)

How do you pronounce Mauis?

You pronounce maui mow-E