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Q: How do you pronounce Qebehsenuef?
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Who is horus's child?

Imsety, Duamutef, Hapy, and Qebehsenuef.

What were the four names of Horus's sons?

Imset, Duamutef, Hapi and Qebehsenuef

The four sons of Horus were the guardians of the internal organs what were their names?

Qebehsenuef , Imsety,Hapy and Duamtef

What are the names of whom four sons?

The four sons of Horus are named; Imsety, Duamutef, Hapi, and Qebehsenuef.

What were the gods name of each Canopic jar?

There were always four canopic jars in a tomb of a pharaoh. One had the god Hapy. He shares the facial features of a baboon and the lungs were placed in his canopic jar. The next is Qebehsenuef where the intestines were placed. The following is Duamutef, a jackel. The tummy was placed in this god's jar for prtection. The last of the four is Imesty, who is a human god, that the liver of the enbalmed person was placed in for protection. These gods are the sons of Horus, a falcon that was god of the sky.

How are the names of the 4 sons of Horus pronounced?

Imsety in human form, protected the liver. Hapi in baboon form, protected the lungs. Duamutef in jackal form, protected the stomach. Qebehsenuef in hawk form, protected the large intestines.

What is the purpose of the canopic?

to protect the internal organs of mummies Imsety the Human-Liver Qebehsenuef the Falcon-Intestines Duamutef the Jackal-Stomach Hapy the Baboon-Lungs

What did Horus protect?

A son of Horus, not Horus himself personified one of four canopic jars that accompanied mummies. Qebehsenuef in hawk form, protected the large intestines.

What is the the purpose of the canopic jars?

to protect the internal organs of mummies Imsety the Human-Liver Qebehsenuef the Falcon-Intestines Duamutef the Jackal-Stomach Hapy the Baboon-Lungs

What intestines did Horus protect?

A son of Horus, not Horus himself personified one of four canopic jars that accompanied mummies. Qebehsenuef in hawk form, protected the large intestines.

How do you count to 10 in dutch?

een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)

How do you pronounce Mauis?

You pronounce maui mow-E