To say thankyou in Chinese is si si . In Chinese the isounds like long e.
i wanted to know how to say the name heidi in Chinese
"rènshinǐhěngāoxìng" is how you say "I am pleased to meet you" in Chinese.
Lao Shi'n hao is how you say hello teacher in chinese
the way to say green in chinese is lue su
To say leek in Spanish you say "cebollita de cambray" (se-bo-yee-taj day cam-ree)
That has always been the conventional wisdom, but who can say?
The homophone for a vegetable and a dripping tap is "leek."
Slamaleuikam! (Sla-mah-leek-um
Tibi aliquis (TEE-bee ah-LEEK-whiz)
I would say one which is about 3cm/inch across
Kατάπληξη (kah-TAHP-leek-zee) is wonder in Greek.
Rabbit in Russian is "кролик" (pronounced kroh-LEEK).
Leek is a noun.
Leek to Manchester is 30.8 miles.
Leek moth was created in 1839.
Leek's Lodge was created in 1927.