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Collar is the correct spelling.

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3y ago

I could not understand anything the collar was says

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Q: How do you spell collar?
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How do you spell necklace in Spanish?

Collar or gargantilla.

What is an Egyptian collar called?

In hieroglyphs, the elaborate beaded collar necklace is written with the signs that spell wsx, which is transliterated as wesekh by modern Egyptologists.A collar made entirely of gold was called nbyt, which simply means "something made from gold".

What effect does the desaugeo spell have when malfoy casts it?

Densaugeo appears to be a spell that makes people's teeth grow rapidly. When Draco casts it at Harry, it ricochets of Harry's spell and hits Hermione, causing her front teeth to grow passed her collar.

Why is the vicars collar a dog collar?

The collar that vicars wear is a clerical collar, not a dog collar. Dog collar is just a crude nickname. The clerical collar is also sometimes referred to as a Roman collar.

In the sentence the dogs collar is red would you spell dogs dog's or dogs'?

spell it dog's. This means the collar belongs to the dog. (one dog possessive) dogs' - The dogs' owner took them to the park. (more than one dog possessive). If your original sentence was about more than one dog then you would write it like this: The dogs' collars are red.

Is it el collar or la collar in spanish?

"Collar" is masculine, so it is "el collar".

Is a doctor a white collar or blue collar?

White collar.

Is storekeeper a blue-collar or white-collar?

Blue collar

Other names for clavicle?

That is the scientific/ medical name for the collar bone

What is a Herbert Hoover collar?

A Herbert Hoover Collar is a round collar.

What is the plural of collar?

The plural of collar is collars.

How do you make a collar on minecraft?

You can't make a collar. When you get a wolf, they automatically get a red collar. You don't need to make a collar.