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The word "specie" means coined (precious metal) money.

The word "species" (singular or plural) is a scientific classification (taxon) of living organisms.

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The word "species" (singular or plural) is a scientific classification (taxon) of living organisms.

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Q: How do you spell species?
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How do you spell spizies?

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How do you spell spesies?

The word is spelled species.

How do you spell speacies?

Species is the correct spelling.

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That is the correct spelling of "marine species" (there are many for animals and plants).

How do you spell speices?

SPECIES - a unique form of a plant or animal

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This is likely the adjective extinct (died out as a species).

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The common name for a lizard species is "iguana".

How would you spell the plural form of species?

The plural form of "species" is "species." It remains the same in both singular and plural forms.

What is sieecps unscrambled?

The letters 'sieecps' unscrambled spell the word species.

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One species of prehistoric flying dinosaur was the pterodactyl.

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The name for the various primate species is spelled lemur.

How do you spell extintion?

The likely word is "extinction" (the dying out of a species or form).